Lightning Seeds – Three Lions (Football’s Coming Home)

Lightning Seeds - Three Lions (Football's Coming Home)

Perle Dimenticabili tira fuori pezzi deprecabili e assurdi, trovati conservati, per strani motivi, nel mio personale etere.

Vediamo oggi cosa esce fuori... 🙂

Lightning Seeds - Three Lions (Football's Coming Home)

Questa, amici miei, fa proprio ridere...

Questi ragazzuoli inglesi (tali Lightning Seeds), strapatriottici e stratifosi, a metà anni novanta tirano fuori questo inno per celebrare il campionato europeo disputato, per l'appunto, in Inghilterra nel 1996.

Beh non solo l'europeo va abbastanza male (eliminati ai rigori in semifinale) ma continuano a proporlo aggiornato ad ogni nuova manifestazione sportiva...

Beh... sapete che figure fa l'Inghilterra ogni volta, fossi in loro smetterei di riproporla 🙂

Aggiornamento 2021:








"Three Lions" is a song released in 1996 as a single by English band The Lightning Seeds to mark the England football team's participation in that year's European Championships, held in England.

The music was written by the Lightning Seeds' Ian Broudie, with comedians David Baddiel and Frank Skinner — presenters of football-themed comedy show Fantasy Football League at the time — providing the lyrics.

The title comes from the emblem of the England football team, which is in turn derived from the Coat of Arms of England. This song is one of only three songs to top the British charts twice with different lyrics, the others being "Mambo No. 5" (in versions by Lou Bega and Bob the Builder) and "Do They Know It's Christmas?" (by Band Aid and Band Aid 30). It also regularly reappears in the UK singles chart around major football tournaments involving the England team.

In June 2014, this song came to attention again, as Morrisons was forced not to play this song anymore in its Scotland supermarkets, after receiving complaints from Scottish football fans.


The Lightning Seeds are an English alternative rock band from LiverpoolEngland formed in 1989 by Ian Broudie (vocals, guitar, producer), formerly of the band Big in Japan.

Originally a studio-based solo project for Broudie, the Lightning Seeds expanded into a touring band following Jollification (1994). The group experienced commercial success throughout the 1990s and are well known for their single "Three Lions", a collaboration with David Baddiel and Frank Skinner which reached No. 1 in the UK in 1996 and 1998.

Video 1996

Video 1998

2010 Version

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