Active Bird Community – Pick Me Apart

Active Bird Community - Pick Me Apart

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Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Active Bird Community - Pick Me Apart


Active Bird Community is a Brooklyn-based band formed by members Tom D'Agustino, Zach Slater and Andrew Wolfson when they were in middle school. Over 10 years later, with the addition of Quinn McGovern on drums, Active Bird Community continues to enliven the stage with their sprightly slacker vibes reminiscent of 90's indie rock.

While ABC was young and experimenting with their sound, early listeners sensed something teeming beneath the surface. In the years since, they've released 3 full-length albums and played hundreds of shows to adoring fans and delighted newcomers alike.

In that time, their sound has gone under numerous revisions — not out of necessity but out of a tacit refusal to stagnate or sound like anything else. As the members matured, fell in (and out) of love, moved around and made their own way, the lyrics and arrangements of each song reflected both the harmony and the discord that comes with growing up in New York.

Though as anyone who's seen them live can tell you, their music is so infectious you can't help but lose yourself right along with them.



All that I know
Is time's moving slower
Than ever before
I can't get to know her
And everything's always
A drunk mess in hallways
It never feels right in the end

Maybe when I'm older
This weight on my shoulders
Will sink down beneath me
You'll whisper so sweetly
That nothing was ever pretend

And I know in my heart
When you pick me apart
Nothing feels better (x4)


All that I know
Is time's moving slower
Than ever before
I can't get to hold her
And everything's always
A drunk mess in hallways
It never feels right in the end

Maybe when I'm older
This weight on my shoulders
Will sink down beneath me
You'll whisper so sweetly
That nothing was ever pretend




Tutto quello che so
Il tempo scorre più lentamente
Che mai
Non riesco a conoscerla
E tutto è sempre
Un casino ubriaco nei corridoi
Alla fine non ci si sente mai bene

Forse quando sarò più grande
Questo peso sulle mie spalle
Affonderà sotto di me
Sussurri così dolcemente
Che nulla è mai stato finto

E lo so nel mio cuore
Quando mi fai a pezzi
Niente di meglio (x4)


Tutto quello che so
Il tempo scorre più lentamente
Che mai
Non riesco a trattenerla
E tutto è sempre
Un casino ubriaco nei corridoi
Alla fine non ci si sente mai bene

Forse quando sarò più grande
Questo peso sulle mie spalle
Affonderà sotto di me
Sussurri così dolcemente
Che nulla è mai stato finto



Live 2016

Live 2019


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