We Are Jeneric – The Wind

We Are Jeneric - The Wind

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Enjoy! 😉

We Are Jeneric - The Wind


We Are Jeneric - The Wind fa parte della colonna sonora del film The Battery.

The Battery è un film horror indipendente del 2012 scritto, diretto, prodotto e interpretato da Jeremy Gardner.


Ben e Mickey, due ex-giocatori di baseball, si ritrovano a dover percorrere insieme la Nuova Inghilterra in macchina, dopo che un'apocalisse-zombie si è abbattuta sul mondo. I due compagni di viaggio attraverseranno così il Connecticut alla ricerca di un luogo sicuro per salvarsi dagli zombie.


Il film ha ricevuto l'attenzione di diverse riviste e critici per il fatto di essere stato prodotto con un budget di appena 6000 dollari. Tutte le riprese sono state effettuate nello stato del Connecticut in soli 15 giorni.


The Parlor is an American indie pop duo composed of husband and wife Eric Krans and Jen O'Connor. They have been active since 1998, previously under the name We are Jeneric. They have released two albums in their current incarnation, most recently Wahzu Wahzu in 2015.

Their music covers a wide range of genres, drawing from folk, dance, electronic, and pop influences. Pitchfork described their 2015 single "The Surgeon's Knife" as a "rural rave".


O'Connor and Krans began writing and performing together in 1998, when they met in the elevator of their college dorm. They "didn't really think of [them] selves as a band", and thus never gave themselves a name. Friends began referring to them as "Jeneric", a combination of their first names, which later morphed into "We are Jeneric", after their website's url.

After spending time living abroad, the couple moved into O'Connor's family estate in Altamont, NY, converting it back into a working farm. They set up a recording space in the house's parlor, from which they derived their name. They formally changed their name to The Parlor in 2011 before the release of their album Our Day in the Sun.

Though their early work was rooted firmly in folk and bedroom pop, they adopted a number of electronic sounds in order to perform live as a duo, leading to an evolution of style. By the time they released their second album as The Parlor, 2015's Wahzu Wahzu, they had "developed an ever-evolving world of art-pop". The band's third album, Kiku, will be released in April 2018.

Krans and O'Connor have also been members of Sgt. Dunbar and the Hobo Banned, identified by NPR as a band to watch at South by Southwest 2009



Who....is prying his way into our home?
And who....has his fingers inside my shirt?
The wind....

Who...knows what will fall upon us while traveling in tribes and clans?
Who...knows what the parlor brings late at night, all alone?
The wind...


Chi ... si sta introducendo in casa nostra?
E chi ... ha le dita dentro la mia maglietta?
Il vento....

Chi ... sa cosa ci accadrà viaggiando in tribù e clan?
Chi ... sa cosa porta il salotto a tarda notte, tutto solo?
Il vento...

Live Session

The Battery

Live Acoustic

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