The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart – Contender

The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Contender

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The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Contender


The Pains of Being Pure at Heart is the debut studio album by American indie pop band The Pains of Being Pure at Heart. It was released on February 3, 2009 by Slumberland in the United States and Fortuna Pop! in the United Kingdom.

The album was recorded at Honeyland Studios in BrooklynNew York, and was mixed by Archie Moore. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart was released to generally warm critical reception.

Album's sound has been compared to My Bloody ValentineRideThe Field Mice and The Jesus and Mary Chain.


The Pains of Being Pure at Heart were an American indie pop band from New York City, formed in 2007. The band centered around founding member and principal songwriter Kip Berman (vocals, guitar).

In the band's final iteration, Berman was joined in concert by Christoph Hochheim (guitar), Jen Goma (keyboards, vocals), Jacob Sloan (bass), and Anton Hochheim (drums). Former members and contributors include Peggy Wang (keyboards, vocals), Connor Hanwick, Kurt Feldman and Alex Naidus.

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart sono un gruppo musicale statunitense, formatosi a New York nel 2007. Contender fa parte del loro primo album.



Look what you've done
Look what you've done
What do you have now?
Things that never come
Another year in a dead room
Is it time to come down?

Another crowded scene
You saw the boys in white sing "I'm a pretender"
But you never were
You never were a contender
A contender

I heard your same old tune
Singing city sins like you were the first one
Gave up books for film
Gave up film for time
Now that you've got none

At the back of a crowded scene
You saw the boys in white sing "I'm a pretender"

At the back of a crowded scene
You saw the boys in white sing "I'm a pretender"

But you never were
You never were a contender
A contender
You never were a contender
You never were a contender


Guarda cos'hai fatto
Guarda cos'hai fatto
Cos'hai adesso?
Cose che non arrivano mai
Un altro anno in una stanza morta
È tempo di scendere?

Un'altra scena affollata
Hai visto i ragazzi in bianco cantare "I'm a pretender" (The Platters?)
Ma non lo sei mai stato
Non sei mai stato un contendente
Un contendente

Ho sentito la tua stessa vecchia melodia
Cantare i peccati della città come te era il primo
Ho dato libri per il cinema
Ho rinunciato al film per tempo
Ora che non ne hai nessuno

Sul retro di una scena affollata
Hai visto i ragazzi in bianco cantare "I'm a pretender"

Sul retro di una scena affollata
Hai visto i ragazzi in bianco cantare "I'm a pretender"

Ma non lo sei mai stato
Non sei mai stato un contendente
Un contendente
Non sei mai stato un contendente
Non sei mai stato un contendente

Live 2010

Live 2011

Live 2011

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